Like a Rocket: What You Need to Let Go of to Move Forward

Like a rocket, we need to shed what's holding us back to keep moving forward. In this article, I reflect on my journey and explore how personal growth requires letting go of old habits, mindsets, and ego to achieve new levels of success in both life and work.

Like a Rocket: What You Need to Let Go of to Move Forward
Photo by SpaceX / Unsplash

This is a rework of an article I originally wrote on LinkedIn on December 13, 2021

No, I don’t see myself as a guru. I haven’t taken a course on how to coach people (yet), and I’m not here to sell you a book (for now). Instead, this is my humble contribution—sharing my reflections on growing, both professionally and personally.

Let’s Get Started

Everyone wants to move forward in life. Although "moving forward" may mean different things to different people, we all have that inherent drive to progress—and that’s great! But let me ask you a question: Does a rocket arrive in space in the same shape, format, or size as when it was launched? If you’re unsure, let me tell you: No, it doesn’t. As the rocket ascends, it has to shed certain parts—things that were once essential for the launch but are no longer needed to continue its journey.

In this article, I’ll explain how this rocket analogy applies to you. Curious? Keep reading.

Looking back at myself over the years, I can (proudly) say that I’m not the same person I was at the start of my career and life journey. I remember how I used to work, communicate with others, and even how I viewed personal growth. These changes have allowed me to enjoy life more, focus on what’s important, and become an agent of change for others as well.

I wouldn't be where I am today, doing what I do, with the same mindset I had in my 20s.

The Big Question

So, like a rocket, what do you need to let go of to move forward? Are you aware of the changes you need to make? Here are a few things to think about:

  • Are you striving for excellence, or are you just doing enough to get the job done?
  • Are you open to learning new things—from others, or even from junior team members?
  • Do you go beyond your job description to help others?
  • Do you understand that others on your team may think, learn, and work differently than you, and that there’s nothing wrong with that?
  • How well do you collaborate with your team? Are you truly aware of what’s happening within the team, and are you actively contributing?
  • Do you recognize that your boss is human, capable of making mistakes, and that doesn’t make them any less competent?

Letting Go to Move Forward

You might be wondering how these questions relate to the idea of letting things go to move up. Let me explain.

One of the biggest things I had to let go of was my ego. I began focusing more on others, genuinely caring about what they needed, their motivations, and how I could help them succeed. From there, I realized that being a professional isn’t just about being an expert. It’s about how you share knowledge and build win-win relationships with those around you.

So, what do you need to let go of to keep moving forward? Think about the things that might be holding you back from growing—personally, professionally, or even as a family member.

In Conclusion

What are the things you need to let go of to reach the next level in your own journey? Let’s discuss in social media —I’d love to hear your thoughts!

I hope this article brings some value to your day, and I invite you to join the conversation in social media. Have a great Wednesday.

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